Article title: Faith Over Fear
Username of the writer: ArticleProf
If faith is easy, or just “a walk in the park,” everyone would be faithful. Being a believer in Christ or a Christian is not about knowing what is in store for you, but the decision to choose faith when life tells you something different. Faith is not about looking at your past but your future.
We often focus too much of our energy on where we have been, how we grew up, the setbacks we have experienced, or the poor choices we have made. But life is not about where we have been, but where we are going. You have to tell yourself, “The person I was isn’t the person I am, nor is it the person I hope to be.” There is always room for improvement.
God wants your focus to be on the present. Jesus wants you to look straight ahead because whatever He has promised you is not behind you but ahead of you. Reminding yourself about your past mistake does not help. We tend to get stuck while looking at the storms that we have weathered that we fail to notice where we are sailing to. We look at our faults and flaws instead of focusing ahead on what Jesus has planned for us. We are too focused on what the enemy is up to that we fail to recognize what Christ is doing in our lives right now. We should not focus on the negative while the positives are just within our reach.
Faith is the light that glows or shines through the tunnel. It is also our compass- that points north when we get off course. Faith is what we are left with when everything seems to be beyond our reach. The book of Isaiah chapter 12 tells us that we should trust and never be afraid because God is our strength and our song. He is our salvation. This message clearly shows us that our faith in Jesus is our freedom from fear if we continue seeking it. Again the book of Romans 8:15 tells us that we did not receive a spirit that makes us an enslaved person to fear. Instead, we received the spirit of God when He adopted us as His children.
Faith is easy to find when we are in the calm waters and clear skies, but we begin to struggle with our faith when the clouds come. When the wind starts blowing, and the water becomes turbulent, our faith becomes shaky. God is telling us to have unwavering faith! God knows what is going through our lives, and He has our back! David said in Psalm 34:4 that he sought the Lord, and He answered him and delivered him from all his fears. This message is an awakening call that when we seek Jesus, He will answer us and deliver us from all our fears. Once there was an energetic young warrior. His master told him that he had to battle with fear. However, this warrior did not want to do that because it seemed too aggressive, scary, and unfriendly. However, his master said he had to do it and offered him the instructions for the battle. The day arrived, and the young student warrior stood on one side and fear on the other side. The young man felt very small, and fear looked big and wrathful.
Both the young man and fear had their weapons ready. The young man roused himself headed towards fear, and with a bit of confidence, he asked, may I have the permission to go into battle with you?” Fear responded, ” I appreciate the respect you have shown by asking for my permission.” The young warrior then asked, “how can I defeat you?” Fear replied, “My weapons are that I speak fast and will always get close to your face. I completely instill anxiety and fright in you that you do whatever I say. However, if you do not do whatever I say, then I have no power. You can always listen to me, even respect me, get convinced by me, but if you do not do what I say, I have no power.” In this way, the young man learned how to conquer and defeat fear.
The moral lesson applies to our everyday lives. Fear dwells within us. It will speak to us showing how things are impossible, but it is upon you not to choose to do what fear tells you, and you shall conquer it. David had faith in God, and he defeated Goliath. Fear had taken the form of his friends and tribe, and they told him how it was difficult to battle goliath. However, he had put all his trust in the Lord, and although he heard how his tribe members tried to stop him from going into the battle, he did not submit and conquered through his faith and determination. Let us all emulate David by having faith in God and not doing what fear tells us to, and we shall emerge victoriously!
Originally posted 2022-03-14 05:57:00.