Username of the writer: loril413
All you need is love
This popular Beatles song has been an inspiration to many since its release in 1967 and does have a catchy ring to it, but it’s not exactly true, at least in one sense. Yes, we all need love, and love does make life worth living. But human love, as amazing as it can be, can only do so much for us. We are flawed, imperfect people and often fail at love. But there is a love that is not flawed, perfect, and complete and will never let you down. It is Jesus’ love for you.
Love is a term that has been manipulated, watered-down, and flat-out abused in our culture for a long, long time. People use love to get what they want, try to feel better about themselves, or try to change their lives somehow. Of course, not everyone has a hidden agenda, and many folks are very sincere in their love for others. But even those of us with the very best intentions can make mistakes and hurt others, sometimes permanently, in the name of love.
The good news is that we have available to us a love that is perfect in every way. This love will never abandon us, abuse us, or take advantage of us. It is eternal and unwavering. Jesus’ love for us is perfect because He is perfect. He is love, according to 1 John 4:8. It is this kind of love that we need that can fulfill us when all other loves fail.
How do we know about His love for us? We hear “Jesus loves you” all the time, but what does that mean?
If we can’t even see Him or touch Him, how can He love us so much? We need only to look at His Word and all that He’s done to find the answer:
~He Created Us.
God is perfect. He needs nothing and no one. And yet, He chose to create us to have a relationship with Him. When He did so, it wasn’t just a mass-produced population to be His servants; we are created, each one of us, as a unique individual like no one else. He gave us a beautiful, amazing world to live in and has provided all we need for an abundant life here. Speaking of Christ, Paul tells us in Colossians 1:16 that “For by Him all things were created that are in Heaven and that are on Earth, visible and invisible…All things were created through Him and for Him.” We were His choice, created simply because He wanted us.
~He Redeemed Us.
Anyone who has ever gone to Sunday School (and probably most who hasn’t) has learned John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” It is probably the most quoted Bible verse of all time, but do we ever stop and think about what it means? Jesus left perfection and came to this Earth as a man, lived life here with all its sin and sorrows (though He, Himself, never sinned), was accused and abused and died a brutal death, all to save us from Hell to spend eternity with Him.
Jesus’ life here on Earth was one of total sacrifice and service to others. He comforted, healed, taught, and encouraged others everywhere. He went. And if you know anything about the crucifixion, it is one of the most agonizing deaths imaginable. But He did it willingly. It was one of the most extraordinary acts of love this world has ever known, and it was all for us.
~He Prepares a Place For Us.
As if all this is not enough of a demonstration of love, we know from John 14:2-3 that there is more – “.I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, you may also be.” He was crucified to not only save us from Hell but to allow us to be with Him in Heaven. An eternal home, personally prepared by our Savior Himself. We’ve done nothing to merit this kind of incredible devotion; He did it all out of love. A love that we can scarcely comprehend but is all ours forever.
Perhaps you haven’t had good experiences with love in your life. There may be those that have hurt you, mistreated you, abandoned you, or betrayed you. But there is One with a perfect love who will do none of those things. Jesus not only has love, but He is also love, and He is all you need.
Originally posted 2021-06-05 04:37:49.