The Secret of Walking With Christ
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The truth is that growing your walk with Christ is a real struggle because if it weren’t, it would be easy, and everyone would do it. The book of Mathew 7:13-14 tells us that we should enter by the narrow gate, for the gate is wide, and the way is easy, but finally leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many.
The good thing is that even though it is not easy to enter through the narrow gate that gives us eternal life, it is still not impossible. God gives us everything we need to walk close and along with him, and it is upon us to press in.
Paul tells us in the book of Galatians 5:17 that our flesh desires what is opposite or somewhat contrary to the Spirit while the Spirit desires what is opposite to our flesh. Therefore, both are in constant battle with each other to not do whatever you like. If you feel like you conflict with wanting to give God or rather spending your time with God and getting yourself to it, do not be worried because Christ has some good news for you; ask for His help through prayers.
I often tell my friends that they do not need to sit down every day and read like 100 pages of the Bible. If you make it normal to read a few verses for about five minutes every day, you will surely understand what God wants from you, and you will abide by His commandments. When you read the Bible because you think you should, and not take your time to meditate and study it and apply it to your life, that is not growing, and you are not walking with Christ.
Pray without ceasing. Make it a habit to pray 24/7. You might think that it is impossible, but it is very possible, and you will see how God rewards a prayerful Christian. You do not have to be kneeling in your private room for you to pray, but you can constantly be giving thanks, rejoicing, and seeking God’s help as you carry on with your daily activities. Although spending an hour with your face down intensely praying, giving thanks, and seeking God are incredible things, it is not the only kind of prayer God wants from you. Jesus Christ wants to be part of your daily life, and the only way to involve Him and move along with Him is through worshiping Him constantly.
When we walk with God, we find ourselves in a position where He unfolds the secret of His kingdom to us. The book of Genesis 6:9 tells us that Noah knew the secret of walking with God. We should emulate the footsteps of the ancient. Jesus Christ wants to walk with us even before He works through us. God will wait to act until He comes across the right man or woman, and then he can show His work.
When God has a Joseph, He gladly gives the pharaoh a divine dream; when he has a Noah, He will do a flood; When He has an Elijah, He will send fire from heaven, and when He has a Moses, God will plan a powerful deliverance for His children. When God has a friend who walks with Him, divine activity accelerates. Therefore, the good thing is to learn to walk with God!
When you walk with God, you draw closer to Jesus with all your heart. God becomes your focus, and your heart longs for Him. Your desire to fellowship with Jesus Christ and be like Him will increase while your worldly desires will decrease. Again in the book of Micah 6:8, what God wants from us is to treasure His gracious love and then walk humbly in His company. If you make it a habit to pray continually with sincerity and with a repentant heart that includes humbling yourself before Jesus Christ, God makes your desires His and will hold your hand and walk along with you through your struggles. He will make your struggles His, and He will help you overcome all your problems.
The story of Noah is a perfect example of the reward of walking with the Lord. The Bible tells us that God saw the wickedness of people on earth, and man’s continuous evil grieved Him.
The Lord said that He would destroy man whom He had created from the face of the world: both man and beast, the fowls of the air and the creeping thing. But Noah found grace in the eyes of God. Noah was just an average man, perfect in his generations, and always walked with God. The Lord looked onto the earth and saw how corrupt it was, and declared to destroy the planet. Genesis 6: 5-13.
Since Noah walked with God, He warned Him of the things to come. He prepared an ark to save his family and became an heir of righteousness by Faith. From the story of Noah, we see that He was a perfect man in a world full of evil and corruption, and his life testified against the world. The story of Noah teaches us that we must not be conformed to the world in any way, Romans 12: 1-2. We must be very cautious because most believers accept certain behaviors, which does not mean that they are correct. If you walk with God, He will permanently save you and your family.
We are living very much like in the days of Noah. Thank you for reading and may God be with you always. Please Remember to pray, for God loves you and it is my prayer that we stay connected with Heavenly Father.
Originally posted 2021-12-25 08:16:00.